I don’t know what surprised me more: that there is a Star Wars in the top ten or that it’s not the first one. As a kid, I generally regarded The Empire Strikes Back as the least of the three original Star Wars movies. Now that I’m an adult, I can clearly see that Ewoks suck ass. But come on! I know it’s a classic and all and spawned an ertire race of geeks, but why? These movies really aren’t that good. None of them. George Lucas was insane. He was not a great filmmaker. The movie is full of plot holes and bad dialogue. I mean, are we to believe that Hoth, the asteroid belt and Lando’s place are all 5 minutes away from eachother? The Falcon never jumps to hyperspeed to go to any of these places! And it is just silly to think that you can travel between systems without hyperspeed!!!
I guess it speaks to the imagination more than to the pragmatic side. I really do love Star Wars. I’ve seen the originals countless times and even the godawful first two new ones have enjoyed many turns through my DVD player. It’s just funny to take a step back and look at them as just films and not legends. I really do hate Geoge Lucas though. Mark Hamil is crap too, the Wookie emotes better, unless you count being a whinny little shit, that he’s got a handle on. But he made a kickass voice for the Joker.