Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My friend and I like movies. We have seen more than our share and we tend to form opinions. We also tend to be argumentative. We have decided to take our big brains and apply them to a project. We are going to watch every movie on's Top 250 list and tell the world how we feel about each. This is going to take awhile; even though we decided to split it up. He starts from the bottom and I start from the top. We'll try to meet in the middle. We'll go as long as we can and make any adjustments we decide as situation demands. It's our list, so we can do whatever we want. We will try to keep it interesting.

1 comment:

  1. The one doing the top part is faster than the one doing the bottom part. I'm doing pretty much the same thing. Good luck on your project! Watching all of the movies is not that hard, but reviewing all of them - this is a tough job. Whenever you don't like a classic movie, people are gonna be like "are you nuts?". And you don't even know what to write about some of the movies besides "I wonder what this one is doing on the list". But anyway, I'm glad I found someone who is doing the same thing I'm doing. Keep up the good work!
