Tuesday, February 2, 2010

#4 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:

Let me start by saying that I am a little bit drunk this time around. Spell check is keeping this coherent. This is a long, and slightly boring movie. It took about an hour and ten minutes to really tie the story into something other than the rambling events of different guys in 1865. Once it got going though, it was all right. A truly brutal depiction of the West in that era of near-end-of-war. There was so much symbolism though. I hate symbolism. The landscape of a war-torn American west is clearly an allusion to the bombed out cities of Europe in 1945.But other than that, I didn’t get it. The drunk captain, the pursuit of wealth from the dead, of the connection of The Ugly to the Union army. The movie felt like it was very pro-Confederacy. And I’ve never seen a man so happy in a cemetery. That has to mean something. In all, I guess, it’s a good movie, but I hate it when a movie is made in the context of the times. It makes it so hard for future generations to know what the sam hell is going on. That and Clint Eastwood’s a dick.

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