As I mentioned in a previous review, George Lucas has lost his shit. He lost it sometime between the 70’s and releasing the original three again. And I was a little disappointed to find out I had acquired the Remastered edition of the original Star Wars. Sure the space flight stuff and all the pretty colors looked cool, but the additional effects and added scenes sucked. The meeting with Jabba was actually alright; with the exception that it contains the only reference to Human Beings in all three originals. But some of the background stuff was idiotic. Like right after Luke finds his family murdered and decides to leave with Obi Wan, we see a big robot smack an annoying smaller robot. Nothing says, “I’m over my dead family” like classic robot slapstick. Although, I have to mention the greatest goof in history (according to me at the time, and I watched it 70’s style) was in the original cut, and I never noticed it. A storm trooper that is slightly taller than the others, walked into a low door. Bonked his head and almost fell over backward. I almost plotszed. Another hilarity was Harrison Ford in the detention center on the phone with the imperial guy. He had that ridiculous voice and rambled on about how fine they all were before inquiring the same of the operator. Then shoots the thing and clearly refers to the fact that on set, there was only him talking to a table, and says, “It was a one-way conversation anyway.” That’s some great improv Indy.
More officially, I can’t say anything about this movie that I didn’t say about Return of the Jedi. Same faults, same magic, just a slightly better piece of the story and maybe more credit for being the first one. I’m still surprised that this one is the #2 Star Wars.
Last thing that always bugged me. Why are there only 6 Tie fighters protecting something as freaking huge as the Death Star? I think there should have been like 6,000. Just a more logical number.
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